Thu 02 Jan
* NiCE R0UNd bOOtY * ((PeRFECT TiTS )) * PReTTY fACe * (( sLim WAist )) = Me - 21
(Oklahoma City & Surrounding Areas)
-:¦:- Naughty Nympho* -:¦:- *Specials:¦:- -:¦:- All :¦:- Day-:¦:- Unrushed QualityTime! - 27
•*★*• NEw PiCs ¤¤ Kinky° Curvy° Fetish° Fantasy° JeWeL° ¤ $100° SPECIALS° •*★*• - 39
(Oklahoma City, Norman)
❤️M u t u a l B e n e f i t s ❤️JOURNEY'S in MIDWEST CITY NOW ! 100% Rεaℓ ▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬ ♥ ßεαuty ▬▬ - 32
(MIDWEST CITY, Oklahoma City)
❤ N A U G H T Y ஐ H O T T T I E ❤ - 28
(Oklahoma City, Outcall/Incall Specials)
405★303★0184 :::S __ P __ E __ C__ I__ A __L :::___ ★ ___ :::E__ D__ I__ T__ I __O__ N - 21
(Oklahoma City, All Over You! Available Now!)
Classy ............. Nott .........:.. Trashy .......... Available Rite Now........... All Day! - 25
(Richmond, Rich. Petersburg Dinwidd Hopewell Ft Lee)
Don't interrupt Us You Want A Spanking You Naughty Boy!!!!! Call Lexi!!!! - 22
(Louisville, Louisville OUTCALLS ONLY!!!)
New Exotic ♡♢Babe♡♢❌⭕ *SO SEXY •:*:• So Beautiful •:*:•❌⭕out calls only - 20
(Reading, reading and surrounding areas)
S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy *** ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy ****** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) - 25
(westside AreA)
S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy *** ** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ** FeTish FrieNdLy ****** S(P)Eci(A)L(S) - 25
🎀HOT 🇧🇷👉Exotic Queen👈🇧🇷 🎀 SL¡ppєrY δωεε†💓🌸🌸💓βθMβδhξLL🎀 👉VIDEO PROOF 👈 - 🇧🇷 - 23
(Providence, Warwick)
((Visiting Only)) _________ ♥ A S i A N ___ P L A Y M A T E ♥ ________ ((TER Reviwed)) - 21
(Santa Clara)
*BrEaThTaKiNg BlOnDe, ALL AbOuT FuN* *CoMe LeT MoNiCa CaTeR To U** - 21
(Los Angeles, Redondo Beach Incall Outcall LA)
°x° 6¤ §P£! [°x°×] ß@ߥ PH@+ ß@¢K§ [×°x° D@/\/¢ & +£¢ ×°x°] ¢@££ @ ß( )DD¥ @#33¤541-5874! £@£@! - 21
(Cleveland, PR¡/@+ ¡//¢@££; PR§¤N @PPR¢¡@+¡¤//)
☆Explore the Art of Extreme Fetishism/BDSM with Fetish Film Star MISTRESS VIRGINIA LEWIS! ☆ - 44
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles/SFV/NOHO 91607, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica,)
BRAND NEW ** NaUg HtY Sc HooL GiRL In NeeD Of SpAnKiNg** $150 SpEciALs- - 20
(Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, plattsburgh-INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
Pasadena area_____ I enjoy CONTACT & receiving sensual SPANKING (323)-540-0994 - 26
👠👠Tiayana👠👠38DDD Elite BloNde Playmate👠👠4 Gents👠👠(0)(0) Fun & Big Booty Fetish n Pnp - 23
(LAX Beverly Hills Westside Century City, San Fernando Valley)
Sweet ..SEXY.. Caramel PLAYMATE!!! Naturally BUSTY.. Tall ..and.. CURVY!!! Built For Your PLEASURE!!
(West Hollywood (Incalls/Outcalls))
So..... Gorgeous ..Yummy ..Unbelievably ..Sexy.. Curvy.. Tall.. Busty.. Brunette!! A Perfect 10!!
(West Hollywood (Incalls/Outcalls))
☆ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y B l O N D E - 21
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS INCALL)
✨ W_A_R_M_ ✨ _✨_W_E_T_ ✨ A_N_D✨ W_A_I_T_I_N_G..SpaNKing NEW ViDeo!!! - 27
(East Valley, Incall mesa/outcall independent, Phoenix)
____ *!* S€DUCT!V€____ *!*V!P*!*____ *!* SEXY *!*____ *!* BOMBSH€LL *!* ____ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Incalls And Outcalls)
NEW PICTURES! of Hot Gorgeous Exotic Latina With The Biggest TITS 40DDD in the AREA BABY!!! - 25
(Near the 105, 92 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Very Long haired Brunette Cougar . TOTALLY SUBMISSIVE so you can have your way with ME and my 42FF's - 40
LoVely ::: LuScious ::: LAtina ..with.. Nothin But ..TiTs ::: HiPs ::: CurVes ..and a.. BuBBly BoOty
(West Hollywood ((Incalls/Outcalls)))
LuSciOus LaTina */* SinFuLLy DeLiciouS */* BuSty */* SoFt CurVes */* ThicK HiPs */* Big BuBBly BOOty
(West Hollywood ((Incalls/Outcalls)))
Last Day!!! Visiting Hot Asian Girl next door, real pics and video, in/outcall - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, van nuys, Sherman oaks,)
L A T i N A - 22
(San Fernando Valley, (Van Nuys/Burbank/Studio City) Ins/Out)
LAST DAY ▬▬ all NATURAL BL0NDE with 36DDs ▬▬ 1OO% No LAW Enforcement ▬▬ REVIEWED BEAUTY - 25
(East Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale rd and bell)
Sweet Amazing Upscale Ebony Goddess New In Town😘😍❤️💗💖💞💕💘✨💐👄💄🌹 - 22
(Bridgeport, Eastern Connecticut, Incalls, Milford, Northwest Connecticut)
***Just Got IN TOWN WHO'S Looking 2 HAVE FUN***SPECIAL$ - 24
(Eastern Connecticut, FOXWOODS HOTEL/CONN. AREA/Attleboro)
~~~@~@ OnLY in YOUR WiLDesT DReAMs *** AVAiLAbLE NoW!! ((CASINOS)) - 22
(Eastern Connecticut, OUTCALLS (CASINOS))
EH , IM NOT YOUR TYPICAL chick, STAY CLASSY, a LIL sassy, but THATS when I need a good spanking??1! - 25
(San Fernando Valley, CANOGA PARK , OUTcall uncall SYLMAR)
★ Stunningly Sexy, Elite & Gorgeous Mistress WILL SEDUCE & TEASE YOU ★ - 22
*.♥.* HOT Green Eyed Blonde With HUGE Special's {::{Come & Get It }::} *.♥.* - 24
(Incall ONLY LAX Area)
**Spanking NEW Pix** 32 DD (L)(O)(V)(E)(S) ♥ 2 PaRtY sexy BlONdE N bUsTy AsIaN AVAILABLE ♥ 24 Hrs - 21
(Atlanta, Buckhead/Surrounding Areas IN & OUT)
2 GiRLs 4 1!!!Super freak, FetiSh FrienDLy/Persian and PUErtO RicAn//WON'T bE SoRrY! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks incall &outcall;)
A 14 on a scale of 1 to 10. a experience you will not soon forget. .480-584-1512 - 36
(East Valley, scottsdale rd and mck)
)-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 21
BuSty ..PinUp ..Goddess ...AmaZing CurVes ..LuSciouS LipS ..Thick HiPs ..Big JuiCy BuBBle BoOty!!!
(L.A./West Hollywood ((Incalls/Outcalls)))
↘🌹🌹Sassy Needs A Spanking!!!!🌹🌹↙↖↙✳✳ 💯💯%Very💕💕NaUghty💋💋 ‼‼💘💘 💐 - 21
(Atlanta, Jimmy carter spaghetti jun 85)
REAL Sexy hiNDU iNDIAN fREAKY & READY FOR Some OUTCALLS! 100 Specials to UPSCALE Areas See ad 7-12am - 24
6O.oo NASTIEST HOTTIE on BP.KRYSTAL the girl that does what your WIFE WON'T & SHES LIKES IT!! - 21
(Los Angeles, LAX 4o5 frwy 6O.OO iNcaLL spEcial!!)
▬▬▬ 1OO% REAL PICS ▬▬▬ 1OO% NATURAL ▬▬▬ 1OO% Blonde BEAUTY ▬▬▬ - 23
(el segundo torrance lax mdr venice culve, Los Angeles, Westside)
Tight 👅👅WaRm💦 waterfall 💞PURE PLEASURE💞 No RulEs on ThiS BoDy Quality SerVice SpaNkiNg AdVised - 20
🚬💊Come On Daddi 💋A💲💲Up⬆Facedown⬇Grabbin 👈👉 Spanking BoOty 👙Head40💊100Hr❤ 2675941531❌INCALLS - 19
(Center City, Frankford , Roosevelt , Cottman, Oxford, Philadelphia)
warning... sexxiest white girl in town ( 80 for a hour just until sunday @ 11 a.m. - 22
Biracial Beauty44DD29w39h body2body🎊🎊🎊💓💓💓🎉🎉🎉 - 27
(Cincinnati, cincy ky, Indianapolis Indiana Chicago,)
💙💚💜💗❤️Exotic M I X E D Beauty💕💕H O N E Y Complexion💛💛💛U P S C A L E Sexy💕💕Brunette B E A U T Y❤️💗💜💚💙 - 22
(Providence, Your place)